
Kingdom Hearts Naga Vore

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Sora was not entirely sure how he'd ended up inside the belly of a giant man-snake. He certainly hadn't woken up that day planning to be naga chow. No, the day had started out fairly normally- he got up, cleaned himself up, got dressed, ate breakfast, avoided his mother and thus chores, and went to see Kairi.

Kairi was Sora's very best friend, and thinking about how he'd never see her again made his heart hurt, even with what had happened. When he'd gotten to the mayor's house- Kairi was the mayor's daughter- she'd just finished baking a pie. She had one piece, and he had seven. When he was done stuffing himself with delicious, gooey pie, he'd let out a loud burp. Kairi hadn't liked that at all.

"Ew. You're so gross." She wrinkled her nose at him.

"What? It's a compliment," he grinned boyishly, rubbing his over-full stomach. "Thanks, Kairi."

"Whatever," she'd muttered, and she kicked him out of the house. She did that a lot, so Sora hadn't really thought anything of it. He set off back to his own house at a steady waddle- he really had eaten too much- but he took the long way around, since he didn't want to do chores. When he arrived back at his own home, however, both his mother and the mayor's wife were waiting there to chew him out.

Turns out, that pie he'd been wolfing down was made with paopu. He'd been eating so fast he hadn't even noticed. The star-shaped paopu fruit was legendary in their village, and it was said that two people who shared one would be connected for the rest of their lives.

He'd burped Kairi's engagement present back up in her face.  

Sora argued that he really couldn't be blamed for not knowing about it, since no one had bothered to tell him that he was getting married. Arranged marriages were the norm in their village, though Sora had never even once thought of getting married to Kairi. She was a member of an important family, after all, and he, well, he didn't even have a father, except in the strictest biological wouldn't-be-here-otherwise sense- no one knew who he was. But apparently Kairi's parents cared deeply for her happiness. Knowing they were close, and without telling either her or Sora, they'd approached Sora's mother and asked for his hand in marriage on her behalf. A bit opposite of the usual thing, but as Kairi was the most eligible bachelorette in the village, they could afford to be capricious and choosy.

His mother had told him all of this after Kairi's mother had left. Sora had protested that he was only fifteen years old and didn't especially want to get married, least of all to his best friend, as that would be sort of weird. His mom had waved a hand dismissively, told him it was the best thing that had ever happened to him and that he should be grateful, and kicked him out of the house to get some water. That made two expulsions in one day, and it wasn't even noon yet.

Instead of getting the water, however, Sora had run out into the forest to collect his thoughts. He couldn't face Kairi knowing that she might be interested in him, you know, that way, so his only option was to run as far as he could.

Unfortunately, he'd ended up running straight down a hungry naga's throat, and now he was pie.

Honestly, why him?

That same morning, just as Sora was running away from home, a rather large naga named Riku was sunning himself on his favorite branch of his favorite tree. He wasn't full grown yet- a teenager, in comparable human terms- but since a majority of nagas didn't survive past childhood, he was bigger than most humans would ever see. His long, thick tail was wrapped around the tree's trunk to steady himself as he snoozed.

He was awakened by a loud rumble from both of his painfully empty stomachs.
The humans were spreading out into the forest, and as such, most of the bigger game was disappearing or dying out. When he was smaller, Riku had been more than able to stuff himself with mice and rabbits and birds and the like, but he hadn't stopped growing, and well, a big naga needs big meals. He just wanted a badger or something, or maybe a fox. He wasn't terribly picky.

Riku's stomach growled again, and he rolled over to try to shut it up. But as he did so, his pointed ears perked up. Something was crashing through the undergrowth, directly towards his clearing and his tree. By the amount of noise it was making, it was something big. Big and, hopefully, edible.

His silent prayers were answered when a human boy tumbled into the clearing. Every muscle on Riku's lithe body stayed perfectly still as he watched. The boy was oblivious, tromping across the clearing without a single care for stealth, and as he got closer, Riku could see how plump and well-fed he was. He was tanned and slightly muscled, probably from working, but the body under his clothes showed enough baby fat that he would certainly go down smooth.

Greedily licking his fangs, Riku decided right then and there that he was going to swallow that kid whole.

Eating humans was generally frowned upon, of course. They had a tendency to swarm like bees if you attacked one of the hive, not even to mention all the horror stories he'd been told as a little nagaling about how if you ate a human, to get back at you they'd cut you open and fill you with rocks. But he was hungry, and if there was a dumb kid under his tree, he was going to eat that dumb kid.

A few more steps, and the boy was directly underneath his tree. With the tiniest of smirks, Riku began lowering his tail. Before the tasty-looking human even knew what hit him, Riku had snatched him up and yanked him up off the ground.

Lucky for Riku, the boy smelled delicious, too. He flicked out his tongue a few times, just to be sure. The only problem was the rough fabric all over his meal's body- it would wreak havoc on the digestion. Riku's innards were tough, but he wasn't one to suffer needlessly. He immediately went to work clawing off the problematic garments, much to the human's dismay. The boy yelped and twisted, but Riku just tightened his coils to hold him in place, and within a few minutes, he was totally bare and ready to be snacked upon.

He looked so vulnerable like that, all naked and scared. Oh well.       

Riku lifted his squirmy prey closer to his mouth, and prepared to stuff himself stupid. His body was already quivering in anticipation. The human boy was wailing and complaining, but that wasn't anything new- distress hadn't stopped him before, and it wouldn't stop him now. After one final, appreciative once-over with his eyes, Riku curved into position, yawned as wide as he could, and shoved the boy's head inside.

The struggles and sobs only got stronger, but that was exactly what Riku's throat needed. Each jerky movement gave one more opportunity for the slimy tube to latch on, slicking up the meal's soft skin and pulling it deeper and deeper. Tears gathered at the corners of Riku's eyes as his body stretched to compensate, but he couldn't and wouldn't stop now. Carefully taking in deep breaths through his nose, he used his arms and tail to guide the human inside, wolfing him down as casually as he may have eaten a bunny rabbit. With every gulp, he slid further inside, and Riku let out an involuntary groan as his midsection began to bloat.  
The groan was quickly replaced by a squawk of pain and indignation when the kid shoved his elbows out and lodged himself firmly in Riku's throat. His food had never, ever, ever made any effort to fight back before, and for a while he was kind of taken aback. Riku tugged and pushed every way he could think of, but the boy was refusing to give any ground. He'd have to get gravity on his side. With some difficulty due to his swollen state, Riku half slithered and half tumbled down to the ground, holding his prey's body steady with his arms even through a renewed bout of kicks.

Once he was on the ground, he took a long moment to recover himself. Choking to death wouldn't do him any good. As soon as he was more or less comfortable, as comfortable as he could hope to be with an angry teenage boy stuck halfway down his throat, he positioned himself vertically against the tree and once again wrapped his muscular tail around the tasty, thrashing body. He relaxed his throat and chest muscles as best he could and held his stomach with one hand, preparing for what would happen next.

He silently counted to three, then pushed downwards as hard as he could.

Riku screeched as his stomach was rudely forced open by a human chest and shoulders, but the awful sensation was gone as soon as it had come, replaced by the simple pleasure of being deliciously full. By now the boy was inside Riku all the way up to his rear. The meal was almost over, but Riku was much too hungry to savor it. Two more hard swallows and the only part of the boy  left to the outside world was the stretch of leg below his knees. A loud gulp and little feet and ankles were kicking wildly to no avail. And with one final satisfied slurp, the human had been completely devoured, sliding down Riku's throat and coming to a rest in his swollen gut.

Riku heaved a sigh of relief as his stomach closed over the enormous meal, but the sudden weight redistribution was too much for his slender naga body to handle and he collapsed forward onto his belly with a meaty thwump, panting heavily and too exhausted to move. He closed his eyes as he waited for his throat to relax back to its normal size, his organs to move back to their usual locations, and his breathing and heart rate to return to normal. For several long moments, the only signs of life from the engorged naga were a slight, happy twitch of his tail and a loud hiccup that signaled that his diaphragm had shifted back to where it was supposed to be.

Finally, Riku stirred from his stupor. His snack was still struggling inside of him, and he rode every kick and thrash with glee, shivering as his stomach began to tighten around the squirming boy. The violent movements would normally have hurt him, but humans didn't have anything that could hurt him- no claws, no sharp teeth, no horns or hooves. Just soft and pink. He burped up a pocket of stale air.

For the first time, he glanced down at his swollen middle. His belly was a little squished underneath his torso, so with a good deal of effort, he heaved himself over onto his side to get a better look. He'd never eaten anything nearly so big before. For a long moment, he wasn't able to identify the bloated sac as belonging to his body at all. He tentatively reached down and touched it; he felt that, and his taut stomach muscles rippled in appreciation. The boy felt it, too, and immediately jerked to get away from his hand. The naga couldn't help but grin.

Riku slowly became aware that he'd have to take some sort of nap to be able to begin digesting anything, but the shady spot where he'd collapsed wouldn't do at all. Sunlight was beating into the grass just a few feet away- the only problem was getting there. The kid was heavy, and he himself wanted nothing more than to just lie back and relax. But he managed, mostly by propping himself up on his elbows and push-dragging his load across the rough grass. He collapsed in the light, not even bothering to coil himself, just sprawled exactly where he'd fallen, letting the heat seep into his veins. And then, within moments, he dropped off into a heavy sleep.    

Sora, however, was not having nearly so enjoyable a morning. He ran through the forest, focused only on putting as much distance as he possibly could between himself and his stupid village. He clawed his way through brush, ducked under brambles, and shoved tree branches aside, all until he finally emerged on the other side of the forest, or so he thought.

He'd actually ended up in a clearing. The forest continued around the sides. But in any case, Sora was just happy to not be under trees for a little while. The clearing was completely empty save for one big tree directly in the center, which meant that he could stay here awhile before going back home to face the music. Under the lone tree seemed as good a place to rest as any.

Sora was pattering across the grass, minding his own business, when all of a sudden his feet lifted off the ground. Something- someone?- had grabbed him and hoisted him straight up without so much as a hi-how-are-you. So, he did the only thing anyone could do after being abducted against their will.

He screamed bloody murder.

As he was lifted higher into the tree, he began to notice what had caught him. Thick gray-green scales were everywhere- draped around branches, wrapped around the trunk. He was trapped in the coils of a giant snake. His screams got louder and more desperate. Oh God, a giant snake, I'm gonna die, oh God-
And then he found himself face to face with a pair of wide, teal eyes, not entirely unlike his own.

A naga.

Sora knew what a naga was, of course, academically speaking, but he'd never even come close to seeing one. He'd been convinced they weren't real. Even now, staring a real-life in-the-flesh naga directly in its curious slanted eyes, he tried to convince himself that this was just a teenage human boy, a naked, somewhat scaly teenage human boy with silver hair for some of course explainable reason who just so happened to be sitting a tree with a totally unrelated giant snake of some sort. He could easily see where the boy's muscular human half seamlessly flowed into the snakey tail, but hey, he wasn't going to let that get in the way of his happy delusion.

"Uh, hi?" he whimpered. The naga hissed at him; its forked tongue flicked past his ear. Sora started to shake even harder. He couldn't have been even ten feet off the ground, but that feels a lot higher when you're trapped in the grip of a mythological beast.

"Uh, that's a good naga… Good naga…" he said quickly and hoarsely, hoping that maybe the naga would understand and not kill him, assuming it didn't mind being talked to like a dog, and oh God he was going to die.

Around that time, without any sort of warning, Riku the naga began pawing at Sora's tunic.

"Wha- What are you doing!? Hey, stop it!" Sora shouted, and he struggled anew. The naga ignored him as he worked on removing his clothes. He struggled a bit against the fabric, and the slightest hint of frustration crossed his face. "Uh, you're nice, but I'm engaged?" Sora tried desperately- maybe nagas cared about that sort of thing. Finally, and despite Sora's efforts, the naga gave up on doing things the conventional way and began tearing his clothes off with his claws and teeth. Sora squawked and squealed and kicked and yelled but to no avail- the snake-boy's expression was almost gleeful as he finally removed the last bit of clothing, all while tracing his claws over Sora's pudgy belly.

Talking to the creature wasn't getting him anywhere, so Sora diverted all of his energy into shouting and thrashing, hoping against hope that someone, somewhere would hear him. His eyes squeezed shut and he fought back tears. This was all his fault, of course. He was the one who'd run away instead of facing Kairi. And now, all because he was apprehensive about marrying his best friend, he was going to get raped by a giant snake. How was that even a fair karmic punishment?

His eyes opened and he immediately wanted to close them again. The monster was yawning, or something- his mouth was open as far as it could go, an incredibly disturbing sight on an otherwise human face. Then Sora realized he was getting closer to the gaping maw. And then he realized that he wasn't going to get raped by a giant snake after all, though that was a miserably small consolation.

"You- you- you-" he sputtered. "You're gonna eat me!? You ca-" He was promptly cut off as the naga engulfed his entire head in his hot mouth.

From Riku's point of view, he was gulping down Sora at record speed, considering his size and the sort of thing that he usually ate. To Sora, however, the entire process was excruciatingly painful and as slow as molasses. He went in head first, immediately sucked into a painfully wet and tight tube of muscle, yanked down by a harsh sucking noise, more disgusting than anything he'd seen or felt or heard or smelled in his life. His mouth even got forced into a gasp of pain, so he tasted it a little bit. The naga's throat was one hundred percent offensive to all five of his senses.

On top of all that, he couldn't breathe. He tried his best to struggle, but he was getting too dizzy and light-headed from having his air supply closed off by aggressive muscle. All that was left was a frantic flailing that only seemed to make the predator swallow him faster.

Once his shoulders were in, the pressure on his head was relieved only slightly, since the sharp pain moved downwards to his upper back muscles. He was dimly amazed that his shoulders didn't get dislocated. He was pulled farther in, all the way up to his waist.

And then suddenly, he could breathe again.

Walls opened up on all sides of him as he gasped frantically for breath. The air he was getting was rancid, foul, made him choke and gag, but he could breathe, and that kicked his brain back into gear. Even without being able to see, he realized that his head had just reached the stomach. He was entering a naga stomach, and most definitely going the wrong way. His legs were still flailing, but not doing him much good. So he did the only thing he could think of to do: he snapped his elbows out and tried to get himself stuck. No movement is better than bad movement! his instincts screamed.

The naga, apparently, did not agree with him. Sora felt more than heard an inarticulate noise of rage or maybe irritation, felt the throat tighten even harder around his middle, felt the thick tail attempt to push him down. He felt his legs swing around in open air as the naga switched positions, but he refused to budge. His captor would have no choice but to gag and puke him back up, right?


Suddenly, the tail was gone, and a pair of strong arms wrapped around his feet, as if to keep him still. He felt his legs wave around as the naga moved again. Then, there was a sudden drop. He yelped a little and got rewarded with an entire lungful of belly air. There was another sudden drop, and he felt his bare legs scrape against something rough and hard. The naga was climbing down the tree. But why would he want to do that, unless-

Sora went bottoms up. His ass was straight up in the air. The tail was back, wrapping around his exposed legs. He felt the naga tilt his head back, creating a straight shot all the way down. Sora's elbows began to slip. No. No no no no no-

One solid push down, and it was all over. Sora's entire upper body was forced inside, and the cavernous stomach stretched happily to accommodate him. His face hit slimy wall before his head was shoved in a different direction to make room for his legs. He had no idea where was  up or down. Smooth muscles rubbed against him excitedly. The whole place reeked of bodily fluids and partially digested meat, which Sora supposed was what was usually in here, so it sort of made sense and oh God he got eaten by a naga.

His feet were the last to get pulled in, and he felt the throat relax after them. The stomach closed up, and that was it- he was one hundred percent trapped inside someone else's body. A loud heartbeat was somewhere near his head, or maybe his feet, he couldn't tell, and strange noises indicating all sorts of groty bodily processes were attacking him from all sides. He struggled, he never stopped struggling, but it all seemed rather futile- he was completely blind, he couldn't find solid ground anywhere, his punches and kicks just sank into smooth, wet, fleshy muscle, and even as he moved, the stomach just moved with him, almost like a persistent, messy, and very creepy full-body hug.

Even the slightest movement from the naga was magnified tenfold by the time it got to where Sora was. He felt it drop, he felt it roll over. He felt a satisfied burp. And he felt absolutely sure that if he somehow had the ability to tell the naga he was being gross, the beast would just rub his tummy, grin, and say What? It's a compliment. You're delicious.

The morning's pie suddenly felt very heavy in his own stomach.

After a few more jerky movements, Sora felt the naga collapse at, well, wherever his destination was. The naga lay completely still, and almost instantly, his heartbeat and breathing began to slow down. Sora could guess what that meant- he was falling asleep. Now his struggling seemed even more pathetic. How could he even hope to force the naga to puke if he couldn't even disturb his nap?

Both stomachs churned, but Sora was the one who threw up.

There he was, covered in his own vomit, trapped inside someone else's stomach, so maybe covered by someone else's potential vomit, too. The smell of partially digested paopu pie made the air inside the naga even more foul. He sobbed feebly in response to the sheer disgustingness of it all. By contrast, in response to the sharp jerk of Sora's body when he puked, the naga had simply shifted slightly and begun to snore.  

Sora had aspired to many things in his short life, but never once had he thought he'd end up as fodder for a naga nap. Based on the volume of the snoring it was a pretty nice nap, but that wasn't making him feel any better, of course. If his own snoring and Sora's thrashing around wasn't enough to wake the naga up, what hope did he possibly have? Sora kept fighting, but the more he fought, the more pointless it all seemed.   
By the time Riku awoke from his nap, it was mid-afternoon, and the sun was even higher in the sky. He felt very sluggish and wasn't sure why- that is, until he glanced downwards and was abruptly reminded of his gorge from earlier in the day. He grinned a little bit and gave himself an affectionate belly rub. His tail was still sprawled haphazardly across the clearing, and with a good deal of groaning and effort, he managed to drag it so it was coiled around himself, both protecting his vulnerable stomach and granting him somewhere to rest his head while he rolled over onto his back and sighed in satisfaction.

Riku loved to eat. He had no qualms about admitting that his stomach was probably his best friend. It had always done right by him, and had certainly given him more pleasure over the years than anything else in his life. Right now, the organ was happily playing with the struggling boy inside of him, and it felt wonderful. He hadn't started the real digestion yet, of course- the first stomach would just roll the meal around a little bit, soften him up, acclimate him to his new environment and all while the rest of his digestive system kicked into high gear, before pushing him all the way down into Riku's tail, into his second stomach, where his muscles were much stronger and the real crushing could begin. The boy would most likely suffocate before that happened, but for now, Riku could enjoy the kicking and squirming all he wanted. His stomach was enjoying it, too, and it let out a soft gurgle of appreciation.

That is, until his meal delivered a kick or punch or something to just the right spot to force out a painful hiccup. Riku glared at his belly and frowned.

"Tenacious little bugger, aren't you?" he asked huskily. His voice was still hoarse from pushing the boy down his throat. Even so, the struggling stopped. Riku raised an eyebrow and gave his stomach another pet. "You heard that?"

"You speak English?" a strange voice blurted out. Strange both because Riku had never heard it before, and because it was coming from inside of him. That had most definitely never happened.

"Of course I do," he rasped, unsure what he should do besides maybe answer the question. Almost immediately, he was forced to grab onto his swollen middle to help his stomach keep the boy still as he started an even more violent bout of kicks and shouts.

"Why did you eat me!? What are you!? Let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out-"

"Shut up," Riku hissed.

"Let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out!" The boy was crying now, too, muffled by Riku's body, and the whole scenario was rather pathetic. He needed to do something to stop him from shouting, more because it was obnoxious than anything else. The creek he usually drank from was too far away, but basically anything would do.

A little field mouse was creeping by in the long grass. Riku grabbed it, shoved it in his mouth, and swallowed.

The horrified screams that followed were even worse than the crying.


Riku grabbed on to the only option left to him. He curled his hand into a fist and punched himself in the gut, as hard as he could. It hurt like hell, but it did its job- the screaming stopped, replaced by a much more manageable combination of resigned trembling and choked sobs.

"Sorry about that," Riku cooed to his stomach, gently massaging the sore spot. Then he addressed what was inside of it, in a much harsher tone. "Hey, you. What is your problem?"

"You ate me!" the boy bawled, finally somewhat coherent. "Why did you eat me!?"

"I was hungry. Duh," Riku rolled his eyes, hands relaxing on his belly, at the ready in case the kid decided to thrash again, even though his stomach didn't really need the help. He just didn't want to exert himself more than was strictly necessary. "I can't spit you back up, because then I'd be hungry again. You see the dilemma."
"I'll bring you food!" the ostensible not-food promised earnestly. "Every day for the rest of my life, I promise! You'll never ever be hungry ever again-"

"Hmph. More likely, you'd bring all your little human friends to come kill me." The boy fell silent. That had, apparently, been exactly what he was planning. "I'd rather hold onto the meal I already went to all the trouble of catching and eating, thanks. Besides, I've seen what you humans do to food, and I'd rather not eat anything that's been set on fire."

"Uh? You mean like cooking?" the boy asked, confused. Riku was already tuning him out- the novelty of chatting with his meal was quickly wearing off. His eyelids drooped as he went back to massaging his taut stomach in slow circles. The boy jerked to get away from his touches, and a slow smile spread over his face as his muscles rippled appreciatively both inside and out.

"You talk a lot," the human said suddenly, apparently desperate to break the silence. "Why didn't you answer when I tried to talk to you before?" Riku blinked. Had the human tried to talk to him? He hadn't even noticed.

"I guess I was a little caught up in the, ah-" he paused to give his stomach a firm pat somewhere around where he knew the kid's head to be- "pleasures of the feast." That set him off, and he started struggling wildly again. Riku groaned happily.

"I'm not food!" he sobbed.

"Sure, you don't think so," Riku grinned. "But I think you're delicious and nutritious." His prey thrashed, and Riku unsuccessfully tried to stifle a loud burp. "And very filling," he murmured, closing his eyes.

"I'm not nutritious! I'm all boney," the boy said desperately. He wasn't really boney at all- he was noticeably well-fed and had quite a bit of tasty pudge, but Riku played along.

"I digest bones," he shrugged. "By the time I'm done, there'll be nothing left but hair." And with that, his stomach was suddenly silent, save the occasional soft groan of working muscle. Riku almost felt bad. Almost."You got a name?"

"Sora," he whispered. "Please don't digest me."

"That's a nice name. Mine's Riku," he said drowsily. Rolling heavily over onto his opposite side, he yawned and shifted his coils to curl up tighter around his stomach. "Sleep tight, Sora."   

"No! No! You can't go back to sleep!" Sora suddenly screeched. But he was too late. Riku was already snoring again. Riku. Funny to think that the naga would have a name. The creature's voice was low and melodic, husky and soft. Alone in the dark, Sora struggled to remember the naga's face, and eventually decided that the voice went rather well with the sharp features and silver hair.

That didn't mean Sora had to like him, of course. Even besides the whole being eaten thing, Riku was kind of a douche. Sora supposed that he wouldn't be especially nice to his food if it got the chance to talk to him, either, but still. Riku's insides were really, really gross, and even a "hey, sorry you're being digested" would have been nice. And who eats things that can talk, besides?

Sora was still fighting a rather losing battle with Riku's stomach. No matter how hard he punched or kicked, the stomach was always eager for more, swooping back in to squeeze his limbs and try to push him into what Sora could only assume was meant to be a more digestible position. Well, he was having none of it. But he'd been struggling for hours, and exhaustion was slowly beginning to creep up on him. Riku's heartbeat was rather close to his head, he'd deduced, and the slow rhythm combined with the heat was threatening to lull him to sleep, as well.

"No. I'm not sleeping," he mumbled, kicking feebly. "Gotta stay awake. Come on, Sora. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Stay awake. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen-"

Someone ought to have told Sora that counting numbers is not the best way to keep oneself awake, since he was fast asleep before he even got to thirty.

Riku awoke from his second nap and the sun had already set. Something was off, and he wasn't sure what it was, until he realized that Sora wasn't moving. He'd gotten rather used to having the guy kicking around in there, but in the past few hours, he must have finally suffocated. Or so Riku thought, until he paid more attention, and felt very slight movements, rhythmic, in-and-out.

Sora was still breathing, he was just asleep.

Riku wasn't entirely sure how he felt about having another whole person curled up and snoozing inside of him. The situation was odd, to say the least, and the boy might have been overstaying his welcome. His stomach, however, didn't mind at all, and had seized the opportunity to properly constrict him- Sora certainly wouldn't be thrashing around anymore. Meanwhile, the lower stomach was growling hungrily. It was time to digest.

All along his torso, stomach, and tail, muscles began to shift as they prepared to force the meal downward. Riku allowed his eyes to close and rested his head on his tail, lazily rubbing his stomach with one hand as it went to work. Sora was nice and big- he wouldn't have to eat again for two weeks, at the very least. Probably more.

His stomach squeezed once, then twice. After breaking for a moment, it then squeezed a third time. Riku began to realize that something was wrong just in time for an incredible burst of pain to shoot out from his stomach all the way to the tips of his tail and his limbs, causing him to convulse from shock. The sudden thrash was, unfortunately, just enough to wake up Sora on the inside. He shifted only a tiny bit, but that was enough to make Riku gasp, not from pleasure this time, but from hideous pain.

Sora stirred into wakefulness. For a moment he wasn't sure where he was. He realized he couldn't see anything, which spurred him into blind panic. Shortly thereafter, he remembered that he'd been eaten by a naga. That started the real panic. He went to struggle, and made a very unsettling discovery.

"I can't move," he said quietly, mostly in shock. While he'd been still, Riku's stomach had closed in on all sides, squeezing him into position and locking him in place. The only reason he hadn't suffocated was because his arms had been pinned in front of his face, securing a tiny pocket of air. Even so, it wasn't enough, and Sora was feeling very light-headed, but that might have just been the panic setting in.

"I can't move!" he shouted again, squirming. "I can't move!" Tears began to roll down his face. Riku moaned and whimpered in pain, but Sora misinterpreted the sounds as enjoyment. He snarled, a rather out-of-character sound for him, but he was inside of a naga, so it wasn't like anyone would ever know the difference.

"You're sick, you know that!?" An angry noise came out of both Riku's mouth and belly. Sora was attempting to struggle, which was only lodging him more securely into wherever or however he was stuck. Nothing like this had ever happened before. The pain of indigestion was quite new to Riku, and it was something he had no desire to experience now or ever again.

"Shut up," he muttered at his noisy meal.

"No!" Sora snapped back, but Riku ignored him. He would just have to try again, was all. He'd spit Sora back up, constrict and stun him properly, and then swallow him back down straight into the second stomach so that he wouldn't get stuck again. Riku took a deep breath and prepared to puke. His stomach muscles shifted again, this time in the opposite direction.

Sora felt the stomach walls begin moving around him, and he squirmed harder, if that were possible. He couldn't move any of his limbs, but he could sort of wiggle. So, he wiggled like a champion.

The huge bulge in Riku's middle shifted slightly upwards, and the naga heaved a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, his celebration was a little premature. Sora had traveled barely an inch before he ground to a halt, sending another jolt of pain through Riku's middle. The naga moaned miserably and twitched his tail in irritation. On top of that, it was now thoroughly nighttime, and the forest was getting rather windy and cold. The chill was beginning to seep through Riku's skin, and he was going to have to move somewhere else if he wanted to get any sort of sleep. Luckily, there was a small hollow at the base of his tree that he used for just such emergencies. Unluckily, the tree was more than ten yards away. With a resigned groan, Riku rolled himself onto his aching stomach,  propped himself up using his arms, and began the arduous process of dragging himself out of the elements.

Sora, of course, could feel all of Riku's laborious movements, and he did not like them one bit.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing!?" Riku answered his question with another question.

"Why aren't you dead yet!?" he gritted out.

"Oh, so now you're trying to kill me?" Sora squirmed harder, and Riku rolled his eyes. What a stupid thing to say.

"Well, obviously, since I ate you." Riku arrived at his destination and threw himself down onto his bed, completely spent. After a moment, he pushed himself over onto his back. Someone, somewhere, at some point, had told him that lying on your back is good for digestion, and right now, he was annoyed enough to try anything.

"I don't wanna be digested!" Sora wailed. He was squirming harder than ever, and Riku's stomach muscles were aching from the strain of both holding him in place and trying to move him. He decided to give an honest answer, just to shut the kid up.

"You're not being digested," he muttered. "Yet," he added quickly, lest the kid think he had any chance of getting out.


"It's complicated. You wouldn't understand," he sighed.

"Why wouldn't I understand!?"

"I have two stomachs. The first one, where you are currently taking up space and pissing me off, does not digest. It just holds the food until my second stomach, the real one, kicks into high gear. Got it? Somehow, you're too big or something and you got stuck."

"I'm stuck?" Sora certainly felt stuck, but he'd figured that was just the stomach holding him in place. His left foot was twisted at an odd angle and buried into some muscle, but other than that, he just felt cramped. "Really?"


"So why don't you just puke me up?"

"Tried that already," Riku groaned. "Hurts too bad to try again."

"I'm hurting you?" Sora asked hopefully.


"Ha! Serves you right, toolbag," Sora chirped gleefully. Riku snarled at his stomach. He wanted to punch himself again, but he was already too sore for that to end well, so he settled for just glaring, even though Sora couldn't see him.

"Whatever. I'm still winning. You'll still get digested eventually." And with that, Riku decided he was no longer going to entertain his food's questions. He stretched out on his back and closed his eyes, ready to go to sleep.

But sleep didn't come.

Sora, meanwhile, was experiencing something akin to the oft-described phenomenon where, for example, a blind person has better hearing- you lose one sense, so your others beef up to compensate. All of his senses had been replaced with 24/7 naga innards, so his brain was on hyperdrive. On top of that, he was very aware that hideously painful death was literally mere inches away, and so, he was willing to do almost anything to keep himself awake. That included singing songs, talking loudly to himself, and all manner of other silly games, but none of those held his interest for very long, so he switched to the greatest game of all: Annoy The Naga That Ate You.

"So. Ri-whatever. How's the weather out there?" Riku's stomach ached. He refused to answer. "In here it's mostly wet. And dark. No sun today." It's nighttime, Riku thought, but even answering in thought was making it hard for him to go to sleep. Well, that and the pain. The moon was high in the sky by that point, and the chill was beginning to get to him. At least Sora was keeping him warm from the inside.

It didn't take many asinine questions for Sora to tire himself out. He fell silent, then asleep, then he woke up again, then he fell asleep, and so on- being asleep and being in a naga tummy weren't all that different, so it was hard for him to tell the difference. At one point, he switched to idle threats.

"My friend- my fiancée Kairi is gonna come kick your ass." Riku yawned. He'd barely been able to sleep at all, and he was just bored enough to actually answer.

"Your what now?" Sora wiggled.

"Kairi. She's the best hunter in the village. When she finds out you ate me, she'll cut you to pieces."

"Please," Riku muttered.  "I'm not afraid of your crazy rock-stuffing crap."

"Uh. What?"

"Fiancée," he continued. "What is that, like a mate?" Nagas didn't really have 'mates' in the strictest sense of the word, but it was a concept that he understood. Humans had their whole own crazy system of doing things that had little relationship to sense.

"Uh, yeah, if you want to put it in the creepiest way possible." Riku yawned again.

"I mated with a female once." He did, too. He'd been slithering along, minding his own business, when all of a sudden a lamia had shown up out of nowhere. They'd exchanged greetings, Riku noticed how good she smelled, and then before he knew what was happening, they'd been twined together on the floor, he was humping like a maniac, and then she was gone and he was sprawled in a panting heap, wondering where it had all gone so horribly wrong. He spared Sora those details, however.

"Ew," was all the boy said, and he went back to squirming, effectively ending the conversation, since Riku was in too much pain to talk. His indigestion had gotten not better but worse over the hours, effectively paralyzing him. Lying on his back didn't seem to be helping, so he shifted over onto his side, where he was more comfortable. With a human inside of him he was too heavy for his back to support anyway. He kept on rubbing his belly, just like he always did, but it didn't do much to ease the pain. Eventually Sora tired himself out and fell asleep again, but even that wasn't enough to make him feel better. His stomach was absolutely stretched to capacity, and it was going mad from sheer effort. He rested his head on his coiled tail and tried to sleep. His lower stomach growled at him angrily. He lay like that for hours, jealously feeling and listening to Sora's rhythmic breathing.

Finally, he just couldn't take it anymore, and he shook his stomach a little. Just a smidge. Enough to make Sora not quite so comfy. He wasn't supposed to be comfy, after all. He was supposed to be dead.

Sora didn't notice the shaking, but he did awaken to a rather odd sensation. His stomach was growling.

"I think I'm hungry," he said, amazed. He'd figured he'd never want to eat ever again, but apparently, biology was winning out over psychology.

"Me too," Riku muttered, and his second stomach growled again to prove it.

"I guess I'm not going anywhere," Sora sighed.

"I guess not," the naga groaned.

"Could you maybe swallow a pie or something?"

"What's a pie?"

"It's- well, you get dough, and then you fill it with fruit, and then you bake it," Sora tried to explain.

"That sounds really gross."

"It's so good! I had some this morning…" Riku squinted. The sun was coming up.

"I think you mean yesterday morning."


"The sun's coming up." Riku instinctively lifted his hand to point at it, before realizing that if Sora couldn't see a sunrise, he certainly wouldn't be able to see hand gestures, either. Fortunately, Sora also couldn't see the mistake he'd made, so he didn't have to feel embarrassed about it.

"It's been an entire day already!?" Sora shrieked. Nagas didn't really have any internal markers of the passage of time. For all he knew, the world could have ended. Now Riku's stomach was his world, and it looked exactly the same as it always had.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either," Riku grumbled. His stomach grumbled, too.

"No wonder I'm hungry." Sora sighed. "Well, it doesn't matter- I already threw up the pie I ate, anyway." Riku could understand that. He'd want to throw up if he ate what Sora had described, too.


"Whoa. Hold on. You puked in there!?"

"Yep." Riku immediately felt nauseous.

"Gross! What the hell!?"

"Hey. I couldn't help it. It's ass nasty in here." Sora sighed. "It was good pie, though. It was my engagement present from Kairi- made with paopu. When two people share it, it's supposed to bind them together forever and ever." He paused, then started to giggle. "Though I guess you've had some now, too- so you can come to the folk legend destiny party with us."

"More like your destiny is my destiny because I ate you." The apparent unwillingness of his food to accept that he had been eaten was beginning to drive Riku batty. Did he just not notice that he was inside of a naga, or something? Was he staying alive just because he was too stupid to die?

Sora himself was indeed aware that death was imminent, but had long since gone so stir crazy sitting inside Riku for almost a full day that he couldn't be bothered to be scared anymore. Sure, he'd get scared when and if the actual digestion started, but for now, he couldn't care less.      

"Riku," he asked, with a sort of morbid curiosity. "Is this normal for you? Do you eat humans a lot?"

"No, you're the first," the naga muttered. "Now shut up, I'm trying to sleep."

Little did Riku know, his day was about to get a whole lot worse.

Kairi set out first thing in the morning the day after Sora had disappeared. Everyone told her not to worry, that he was probably just hiding somewhere, but she knew Sora. He wouldn't last a day in hiding before coming home to eat real food. Something must have happened to him. So she woke up before everyone else in the village and went out into the forest to find her friend.

Sora was painfully clumsy, and he left a path anyone could follow. Kairi moved through the trees, knife in hand, careful not to disturb any of the forest's more violent inhabitants. Sora knew better than to run through the woods like this, at least, she'd thought he had. But so far there was no evidence of a struggle, so she kept moving.

After a few hours, she reached a small clearing. Not until after she'd moved into a small clearing did she find her most important clue.

Sora's shirt. She'd found Sora's shirt.

A few feet away were Sora's pants, and then she found his shoes. The long grass covering the clearing floor was matted down in random places, as if a struggle had indeed taken place. But why would he have taken his clothes off? She followed the tracks around the clearing, then finally down towards the tree- and got her answer as to where, exactly, Sora had gone.

The naga was snoozing, looking like he hadn't a care in the world. His tail twitched lazily and his bangs were falling into his face. But that wasn't what caught Kairi's attention. The creature was engorged to grotesque proportions, skin stretched taut over a swollen stomach that appeared to be exactly the right size to house a swallowed human boy. As if to finish up the tableau of horror, the monster shifted in his sleep and let out a low, rumbling burp.

Small wonder Sora hadn't come home.

Kairi approached quickly but cautiously, careful not to wake the naga up while she pulled out her hunting knife. Less than two days had passed since he'd left the village, and there was a strong possibility that Sora might still be alive- she refused to entertain the alternative. All she had to do was kill the beast, and then cut Sora out of its insides. Gross, but definitely doable. In one quick, skilled motion, she made an incision from the top of the bulge all the way down to his navel, and that was when all hell broke loose.

Sora awoke to a sudden screech of pain, just in time for the muscles around him to tighten up with a sickening crunch. He felt one of his shoulders dislocate. He tried to scream but he couldn't, there was no space to inhale, he couldn't breathe, so much pain, Oh my God-

And just as suddenly, the muscles released back to their normal positions, still quivering. Sora finally took the chance to cry out in pain, though he was effectively drowned out by Riku's own screeches. The naga's heart rate had shot up and he was moving around, causing his muscles to groan and shift. What the hell happened?

Blood was seeping out of Riku's aching stomach. Once the initial shock had passed, he snapped his head around to find out who or what, exactly, was responsible for hurting him, only to discover another human. A girl this time, but still, two in one week? He'd never seen a human in his life before Sora. She was raising her hunting knife to stab him again, but before she could even come close, Riku had already wrapped his coils around her, lifting her into the air.

"Ow," he said pointedly. His poor stomach was still twitching, and he could hear Sora whimpering inside. The girl couldn't move her arms, but she managed to spit on him. She looked about Sora's age, and certainly the right size- if he swallowed her too, she'd probably be able to force Sora down. And with two humans, he probably wouldn't have to eat again for more than a month. Thinking about eating always put Riku into sort of a happy trance, and that particular moment was no different. For several seconds, all he could see was himself, happily snoozing with two humans tucked inside. Yes, this plan was good.

"Let Sora go!" the girl snapped, breaking him out of his daydreams. Riku blinked.

"What did you just say?" he asked suspiciously. Sora himself was still sobbing from pain. His stomach must've crunched him good after he got stabbed. Suddenly, he remembered one of Sora's stories- my fiancée Kairi, she's a huntress, she'll come after you and cut you to pieces- well, apparently Sora had been right. He poked his belly, avoiding the cut.

"Hey, Sora," he said with a smirk. "Someone's here to see you."

Sora had not been following the conversation, but a jostle and a direct address by name were enough to catch his attention. A full day inside of a naga had made him a bit sluggish on the uptake.

"Uh- what-?"

"You're a monster!" He heard another voice, farther away. A voice that sounded strangely familiar. And female. And-

"Kairi?" he whispered.

"Yep," said Riku. "That big crunch that happened just now? Was her stabbing me."

"Oh my God! Kairi!" Sora started to wriggle. Riku had to admire the fact that he still had enough strength to do so, even if it hurt him. He petted his stomach. And then, something happened.

Maybe it was the stabbing, or the muscle spasm, or maybe Riku's innards just finally got their act together. In any case, there was a low rumble, and one last mighty push, and Sora began to slide downwards.

Sora was, of course, well aware that he had not been moving before, and that he was moving now. He remembered that he was stuck. And Riku's words about all the digestion happening farther down in his body were roaring through his mind, in brilliant flashing colors. He screamed.

Riku had had an entire person lodged inside of him for so long he'd almost forgotten what proper digestion felt like. His eyes went slightly crossed and he couldn't stifle a groan as Sora slid down another inch. Eventually, he'd be in the second stomach, and Riku could sleep peacefully for the first time in days, all while Sora got crunched to pieces. He didn't really have a chance to think about whether he especially wanted to digest his conversation buddy, since his body was already trying to shut his brain down.

Hi ,it said. We're going to need all the energy we can get to turn this fully-functional, wriggly,  bony mess of a human thing into goop. So, if you could go to sleep now, that would be great.

"Please don't digest me!" Sora sobbed. "I'll do anything!"

Ok, thought Riku stupidly. His eyes shut and he passed clean out. Unfortunately, his body did not account for the fact that he currently had a very angry huntress wrapped in his coils, one who he promptly dropped the minute he fell asleep. Sora moved another inch. But in an instant, Kairi had grabbed her knife, dashed back to Riku's side, and buried it to the hilt, straight through the soft scales on his underbelly, right below where Sora was moving.

Sora himself was startled out of his hysteria by a loud screech, and another sudden squish. He ground to a halt, and the muscles promptly switched directions, shoving him back to where he'd come from. Something hot was pooling near his feet.

Riku had never been in so much pain his life. No one, no one, had ever gotten close enough to properly hurt him. Blood was bubbling in all directions, filling his wounded stomach and pouring out onto the grass. He gagged violently, but it wasn't enough to shift Sora more than slightly. Every instinct he had was telling him to vomit. Fortunately, he had some help on that front, since Kairi had immediately yanked out a second yet smaller knife and pushed it up against his throat. He squawked miserably.

"Spit him out," she growled. He coughed.

"It might be-"

"Spit him out," she repeated, and she pressed the knife against his skin, drawing some blood. Riku was already light-headed from the mess seeping out of his tail. He flicked his tongue angrily, but obliged. He took a deep breath and started hacking.

Sora's head was the first thing to be forced upwards. He found himself back inside of a painfully tight tube, which some corner of his mind vaguely identified with Riku's throat, from not two days earlier. The muscles rippled and nudged him a tiny bit further along. That was when Sora realized he couldn't breathe. He choked, and began to flail.

Riku wrinkled his nose and kept trying to vomit. Normally he was good at it, but the bleeding and the sticking and the stabbing wasn't helping matters. Everything was moving too slowly- Sora was going to suffocate. He opened his mouth wider, causing Kairi to jump back in disgust.

Sora couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe!

"Not fast enough," Kairi snarled. Riku glared at her, since he wasn't able to talk. I'm trying the best I can here! At this rate he's going to suffocate before he even gets out, so neener neener-

Riku squawked as Kairi shoved her free hand all the way down his gaping throat. His eyes were going crossed. Two humans in his mouth, and he couldn't eat either. Life was brutally unfair to him.

Sora was about to give up and black out when he felt something strong grab onto his hair.

"Hold on, Sora," Kairi whispered, and she started to pull. Her pulling and Riku's pushing were finally enough. Sora felt himself get man-handled farther into the tight tube, and farther, then all of a sudden his head was popping free and Kairi was tossing her knife aside and using both hands to pull him out and there was sunshine and birds singing and he tumbled onto the grass. He would've laughed, but he was much too exhausted.    

Riku still looked more or less the same as Sora remembered him, though a whole lot less threatening this time around. He was decidedly green-around-the-scales, coiled in a pathetic heap, wheezing and twitching occasionally. Kairi's hunting dagger was still protruding from his tail, held tightly in place by a mat of some dark substance Sora assumed to be dried naga blood.

No… that's his stomach, not his tail.

"Thanks, Kairi," he whispered hoarsely. Despite being covered in still-warm digestive juices, he was shivering uncontrollably. His clothes were exactly where Riku had left them, but he was too weak and gross to try to clothe himself. For Kairi's part, she seemed far too embarrassed by his nakedness to help him at all, and instead went to work prying her prize knife out of Riku's gut.

Riku lay there and let her do it, without so much as a cry of protest. His entire body was numbed by pain, from the stabbings and the exhaustion and the indigestion and the sheer effort of having an entire meal yanked out of him the wrong way. Somewhere in his brain, he was dimly aware that the huntress was going to slaughter him for eating her fiancée. Man-eating nagas were a danger to have around, right? Self-preservation, that made sense to him.

Sora was staring at him, and Riku stared right back. The boy looked disgusting. Completely unappealing. He wondered where he'd gotten the dumb idea to try to eat him in the first place. In any case, his insides were clearly every bit as gross as Sora had described to him.

The next words surprised him, though.

"Thanks for puking me up," Sora said quietly. The naga looked miserable- he really hadn't been lying about how much pain he was in. Riku opened his mouth and tried to reply, but all that came out was some sort of garbled nonsense and a trickle of blood and ooze. So instead he just gave a feeble thumbs-up. The tiny gesture made Sora laugh.

Until Kairi finally hauled the knife out of Riku's belly, and the naga's shrieks of pain echoed across the clearing. When it was over, he collapsed right back where he was, shaking and terrified, but silent. Sora had never seen anything more pathetic in his abruptly lengthened life.

"They told me the best way to kill a naga is cutting its head off, but I don't think I want to go anywhere near this thing's mouth," Kairi grimaced, as she unsuccessfully tried to clean the naga juice off of her blade. Both of their bodies were evidence that the stuff was pretty persistent.

Riku groaned as he tried to curl up into himself, bracing his muscles for impact. He knew this would happen from the moment he decided to stop himself from digesting Sora, so he was more or less ready for it. Trembling uncontrollably, he closed his eyes and waited.

Sora raised an eyebrow. Was that what Riku had expected him to do after he'd been swallowed? Close his eyes and hope death was relatively quick and painless? No fucking way.

"Kairi… don't kill him."

"What?" Kairi stared at him. Riku looked surprised too.

"Don't kill him," Sora repeated, his voice too weak to carry far. "It's enough. Look at how much pain he's in." Riku immediately stopped shaking, though he wasn't able to prevent the occasional twitch. So he'd been trying to pretend he wasn't in pain, then? He wasn't a very good faker. "I don't… I don't think he'll try to eat any people anymore."

Riku blinked at Sora, totally confused. They were well within their rights to kill him. He'd definitely be willing to kill someone who tried to eat his mate, that is, if naga had them. Pretty much everything on the naga predator list was also on the naga prey list. Case in point- humans.

"Sora, don't be stupid. This one's barely grown," Kairi scoffed. I'm the same age as you! Riku wanted to shout, but his throat was too sore to form words. "He's going to get bigger. Just because he had trouble eating you now-"

"Ok, please don't kill him. For me. As a favor," Sora pleaded.

"Ok, fine. Suppose I don't kill him. What should we do with him then?" Sora was getting dizzy. He was exhausted, he hadn't eaten in 24 hours, and he was experiencing a little bit of sensory overload. Before he knew what was happening, he'd collapsed onto his side.

"Sora!" Kairi rushed over to catch him. Riku just lay and watched him fall. He looked so peaceful like that. No one ever ran to catch him when he passed out. Humans were silly.

"I think," Sora said slowly, his eyes closed and a tiny smile working its way across his face, "I think we should feed him." Riku perked up. Kairi frowned.

"Feed him? Feed him what?" Sora's smile widened.

"I dunno. Maybe some pie?"

The last thing he heard was a loud squawk of indignation before he finally lost consciousness, with a big stupid grin on his face.
HA I couldn't come up with a title so I went with the basic descriptor. This is my first attempt at vore. I really like Kingdom Hearts vore, and there isn't much, so I figured hey, I'd better contribute to the cause. Woo!

This fic is for Nahceid, whose love of Riku/Sora vore is (OR SHOULD BE) an inspiration to us all. xD

UPDATE: Nahceid drew fanart for this fic. Why? Because she's awesome. The fantazgreat fanart is [ HERE ]
© 2009 - 2024 khvorefan2
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khvorefan2 (Just then Space Marines from the Warhammer 40K Universe unexpectedly show up and mercilessly attack Naga Riku)

Space Marine: "FIRE AT WILL! FOR THE EMPEROR! CLEANSE THE HIDEOUS MONSTROSITY!!! PURGE THE ENEMY!!! TREMBLE IN FEAR MONSTER! FOR WE ARE THE ANGELS OF DEATH!!! HURRRAGH!!!" [shouts in fury as he kills Naga Riku to bloody bits with his chainsword, before riddling the remains of his foe with his Bolter Gun to make sure he stays dead] "THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!!!"

Games Workshop art test - Space Marine vs Orc